SHOW ME THE WAY I SHOULD GO: tools for making life choices
The Southwark Spirituality Commission is pleased to offer an exciting webinar this Spring on the subject of how to discern God's calling and make life choices. The online meeting will be led by spiritual director and author, Chris Chapman,

Can you identify with any of these statements?
- I sense there is something more for me to do or be, though I am not sure what that is.
- I am aware of being drawn in a new direction – but is it realistic...can I trust it?
- I have a decision to make. I’m aware my choice will shape my future in some way. I want to get it right.
- I feel stuck / bored / restless. Where I am is safe, but there is no life in it any more for me.
- I want to understand what God is calling me to do at this time of my life
- Unanticipated events have taken me out of the life that I had. Where do I go from here?
Choices face us within our relationships, work, and ministry. Sometimes we are aware of a specific choice that is ours to make; at other times what we recognise is the need for change, without seeing where this leads us. Sometimes events jolt us out of our former path and we don’t know how to respond.
How do we hear God’s invitation to us amidst all the different pulls we experience, within and outside us? How can we learn to listen to the Spirit? What is it God desires for us, and how can we know this?
The webinar will explore how we can listen to the Spirit as we explore the choices in front of us, so that we might respond to the invitation of the Holy Spirit.
Led by Christopher Chapman
Christopher is a member of the Southwark Spirituality Commission. He is an experienced spiritual director and retreat leader. He is the author of Seeing in the Dark, Earthed in God, both of which touch on the subject of discernment, and Send my Roots Rain
Join the webinar
Dates: Saturday 13th April 2024
Time: 10 am - 1 pm
Zoom Link:
Meeting ID: 872 3428 7325
Passcode: 702380