Confraternity of Pilgrims to Rome Annual Conference 2024
The Confraternity of Pilgrims to Rome will hold its annual conference on 2 March, at St. George’s Cathedral in Southwark. The Pilgrims to Rome conference is a wonderful opportunity to hear pilgrim tales of their experiences on the Via Francigena and to learn from fellow pilgrims on how to plan your own amazing journey on this historic route.
Two Cathedrals Walk
(9.30 am - 1 pm)
The day will begin, for those who are able to join, with a guided walk from Westminster Cathedral to the conference venue of St. George’s Cathedral in Southwark. The walk will be guided by the Confraternity of Pilgrims to Rome’s vice-chair Brian Mooney, who has walked both to Rome and back, and trustee Eamonn Mullally, an official City of London tour guide. Please book the walk separately from the conference.
Tickets can be booked for the walk and the conference separately for £5 each or free to members. If you have not received your members discount code, please contact
The official conference events will begin at 1 pm at Amigo Hall at St. George’s Cathedral, Southwark. Tea and coffee will be served from 12.30 pm.
Conference programme
(1 pm - 3 pm)
A Welcome by The Confraternity of Pilgrims to Rome (CPR) by Nick Dunne: Chair
Update – ‘The Francigena Britannica’
A brief update on the CPR’s extension of the Francigena from London to Canterbury.
Dawn Champion – ‘Walking Alone’
Dawn Champion, Head of Community engagement at the British Pilgrimage Trust, will speak on the topic of preparing for pilgrimage and walking alone.

Dr Philip McCarthy – ‘Life after the Via Francigena’
Phil has been interested in long distance walking for many years and in 2008 he walked from Canterbury to Rome alone. This experience awakened an interest in pilgrimage and
made him realise that he was a pilgrim! In 2015 he walked on from Rome to Istanbul. He has written books about both pilgrimages.
As project lead of Pilgrim Ways, Phil is working on developing and trialling a walking pilgrimage route in each of the 22 Catholic dioceses of England & Wales starting at the cathedral of the diocese and ending at a shrine within the same diocese.
David Andrews ‘Why walk the Via Francigena’
David Andrews works as an ecologist and adviser for Natural England. H
e took a career break in 2023 to undertake the Via Francigena on foot from Canterbury to Rome and will be talking about his experiences during the 4 month journey. He will discuss his motivations and the highlights and challenges of the journey, including how he
approached the constraints presented by Schengen rules.
Q&A Pilgrim Panel
Come prepared with all your planning questions for the expert pilgrim panel.
From 3.30 pm onwards, all attending the conference are invited to move on to the Three Stags Pub for more opportunities to ask planning questions to experienced pilgrims and
to share Francigena stories.
Further Information
Volunteer with the Confraternity of Pilgrims to Rome
CPR trustees will be available to talk to anyone who would be interested in helping their work supporting pilgrims on the Via Francigena.
Credentials and guidebooks
You will be able to purchase Pilgrims to Rome credentials, badges and guidebooks on the day.
Join or renew membership
Membership secretary Tim Greig will be available to sign up new members or to renew
any lapsed memberships. Card payments will be accepted and membership packs will be available immediately, including CPR pilgrim credentials and badge.
Alternatively, please sign up online: Pilgrims to Rome Membership