Called to Bear Fruit, a process of renewal, seeks to ensure all the parishes in the Archdiocese of Southwark are equipped with the vision, leadership, resources, and infrastructure needed to enable them to become growing communities that evangelise, form disciples, and inspire witness.


What is Called to Bear Fruit?

Called to Bear Fruit is a process of renewal within the Archdiocese. We focus on asking the question: How do we grow as communities of missionary disciples?

It's a journey of listening, collaboration, and renewal in a spirit of synodality. - Archbishop John Wilson

Why do we need a process of renewal?

Pope Francis speaks of the "need to move from a pastoral ministry of mere conservation" to one which is “decidedly missionary” (EG 28). For Pope Francis our parishes should become training centres capable of changing the world. He describes parishes as “a community of communities, a sanctuary where the thirsty come to drink in the midst of the journey and the centre of constant missionary outreach”. 


The Challenges 

We face some significant challenges - nearly half of our diocesan priests will reach the canonical retirement age of 75 by the end of 2025; Mass attendance has declined by a third over the past 25 years; and many parishioners have yet to return to parish life since the pandemic. But – and importantly - these realities do not need to define us.


What has been done so far?

The first phase of Called to Bear Fruit involved listening to our priests and deacons. This has led to a greater understanding of the challenges faced by our clergy and to constructive conversations with various Archdiocesan departments and agencies. We now move to a second phase which will invite everyone in the Archdiocese to a deeper reflection on the situation at parish and deanery level. This will include an important opportunity for lay people to contribute to shaping the future of our Archdiocese, so that all our parishes can become more effective as communities of missionary disciples.


What can I do?

Firstly, please pray for the renewal of our Archdiocese. Let us ask the Holy Spirit to illumine our hearts and minds with fresh possibilities during this Jubilee Year of Hope.

Secondly, engage in the Called to Bear Fruit consultation. For clergy, this involves the consultations at deanery level. For laity, there are consultation booklets available online and in hard-copy in your parishes. 

Consultation booklet