St George’s Cathedral launches nativity crib trail
The Crib Way is a beautiful collection of nativity sets displayed in St George’s Cathedral in Southwark

A beautiful collection of nativity sets from around the world are on display at St George’s Cathedral for the season of Advent and Christmas.
Advent is a time of reflection, preparation and a reminder for Christians that Jesus Christ is Emmanuel: God with us.
To help people draw closer to this beautiful truth, nativities from around the world are displayed throughout the Cathedral. Their purpose is to help people hold Christ at the centre of Christmas and to serve as a reminder that in Christ, people of all nations are one.
Canon Michael Branch, the Dean of St George’s Cathedral said:
“The Christmas story is one we all know so well, but in the madness of all the festivities its true meaning can be lost. Christmas is about the truth that the Son of God came to dwell among us.
“The Lord was born so that we can all experience the infinite joy and love of God. Having these beautiful cribs in our Cathedral serves as a reminder that in a stable in Bethlehem the history of our world changed forever. Because Jesus Christ, our Saviour, was born for us.
“I’d also like to thank Margaret and Wendla, who have very kindly lent us some of their nativity sets. It’s a really beautiful collection and I hope the people who come to visit get as much joy out of them as I do”.
The nativities used in the “Crib Way” have been kindly lent to the Cathedral by Margaret and Wendla, who over many years have collected nativity sets from across the world. This includes a beautiful pottery nativity made by the Sisters of Bethlehem in France, as well as sets from the Philippines.
You can visit the Crib Way at St George’s throughout the Advent and Christmas season. The Cathedral is open 7.15am to 5pm. To find out more about their Mass times, head to the St George’s Cathedral website.