New Chancellor for the Archdiocese of Southwark
After serving the Archdiocese faithfully and generously under three Archbishops, Mgr Matthew Dickens has now stepped down from the role of Vicar General and Chancellor. Archbishop John Wilson recently explained how these two essential roles will be managed in the future, and offered his sincere gratitude to Monsignor Dickens:
Following a recent announcement to the the clergy of the Diocese, Archbishop John said:
It is difficult to find words to express
the debt of gratitude owed to him by everyone in our Archdiocese. Few people will know the demands and responsibilities he has faced and exercised, always with great patience and charity. I would like to record my sincere thanks to him for all he has done in so many different ways over the past 15 years.
Monsignor Dickens will continue as Parish Priest of St Thomas Becket, Wandsworth West Hill, and is succeeded as Vicar General by Monsignor Gerry Ewing, who is also Moderator of the Curia.
The role of Chancellor has now been separated from that of Vicar General and will in future be fulfilled by Deacon Michael Kennedy.
Deacon Michael has been Vice-Chancellor and Administrator of the Chancery, and takes up this new responsibility with over 35 years of experience. Archbishop Wilson said:
'I am grateful to Deacon Michael, and to Mary Doolan, the Vice Chancellor, for their continued service to the Archdiocese.'
Please pray for Deacon Michael Kennedy, Monsignor Matthew Dickens, Monsignor Gerald Ewing as they assume their various responsibilities.