New book by Archbishop John on St Oscar Romero and the Rosary
Archbishop John Wilson releases book ‘the Romero Rosary’ which creates new mysteries for praying the Rosary

St Oscar Romero is one of the most popular recent Catholic saints, known worldwide for his outspoken defence of human life and faithfulness to Christ. A lesser known side to Oscar Romero was his deep devotion to the Rosary, which is the subject of a new book by Archbishop John Wilson.
In a homily in 1978, St Oscar preached that “the world will always be in need of prayer and of Mary”, adding that there is “no chain more beautiful for joining the world with God than the chain of the holy Rosary”.
In recognition of the love of the rosary by St Oscar, Archbishop John has created the Romero Mysteries which focus on the subjects of charity, compassion and mercy, and Justice and Peace.
The beautiful and creative book contains reflections on the traditional Mysteries, as well as the new Romero Mysteries. All are illuminated for reflection and prayer by the words of St Oscar Romero.
St Oscar said the “mysteries of the rosary are a precious summary of the Gospel” and it was the rosary which the saint from El Salvador prayed when he and his people faced hostility and threat.
The author of the book, Archbishop John Wilson, said:
“If we ever wonder why Mary’s Motherhood is so great, St Oscar gives us the answer: ‘It’s because she knew how to listen to God’s word and put it into practice’. This too is our calling as disciples in the school of Mary.
“With St Oscar we are united in devotion to Our Lady and love for the holy rosary. Prayer to the Holy Mother of God mattered to Romero, and it matters to us.”
Oscar Romero was declared a saint on 18 October 2018 and this book provides a beautiful way to pray with him, united in spiritual friendship, asking for strength to live out discipleship today.
The Archbishop of Southwark is launching the book on Friday 24 January at 2.30pm in St Paul’s bookshop in Liverpool and on 12 February at 6pm in Amigo Hall, adjacent to St George’s Cathedral.
Speaking about the book, Archbishop John said:
"I wonder if you picked up and opened this little book because you love the holy rosary or because you love St Oscar Romero. Perhaps, like me, you love both. I hope what you read inspires you to pray the rosary and to learn more about St Oscar Romero. I keep everyone who reads this book in my prayers.”
John Wilson is the Archbishop of Southwark and has long been devoted to St Oscar Romero. The Archdiocese of Southwark has a national shrine to St Oscar, which holds relics belonging to the martyred saint.
2025, as well as being a Jubilee Year of Hope, is the 55th anniversary of Romero’s ordination as a bishop (21 June 1970) and the 45th anniversary of his martyrdom (March 24 1980).
The book is published by Pauline Books and is available to purchase online at
The Romero Mysteries which have been created by Archbishop John Wilson are:
The Mysteries of Charity
- The Lord Jesus Teaches Love for Enemies - St Luke 6:27-31
- The Lord Jesus Gives the Great Commandment - St Matthew 22:34-40
- The Lord Jesus Calls us to Imitate the Good Samaritan - St Luke 10:25-37
- The Lord Jesus Washes his Disciples’ Feet and Gives the New Commandment - St John 13:1-16, 31-35
- The Lord Jesus Recommissions the Apostle Peter - St John 21:1-19
The Mysteries of Compassion and Mercy
- The Lord Jesus Calls Matthew the Tax Collector - St Matthew 9:9-13
- The Woman Anoints the Feet of the Lord Jesus - St Luke 7:36-50
- The Lord Jesus Encounters the Rich Young Man - St Mark 10:17-22
- The Lord Jesus Meets the Woman Caught in Adultery - St John 8:1-11
- The Lord Jesus Teaches About the Prodigal Son and the Forgiving Father - St Luke 15:11-32
The Mysteries of Justice and Peace
- The Lord Jesus Speaks in the Synagogue at Nazareth - St Luke 4:16-22
- The Lord Jesus Imparts the Beatitudes - St Matthew 5:1-12
- The Lord Jesus Calls Zacchaeus to Conversion – St Luke 19:1-10
- The Lord Jesus Teaches about the Final Judgement - St Matthew 25:31-46
- The Risen Lord Brings the Gift of Peace - St John 20:19-21