Annual Mass in Celebration of Marriage 2024
This annual public Mass celebrating the Sacrament of Matrimony will take place in 2024 at 3 pm on Saturday July 13 at St George's Cathedral.

Each year couples celebrating special wedding anniversaries, whether 1, 10, 25, 50, 60 or more - are invited to apply for a written personal invitation to the Mass from Bishop Philip Moger. The invitation will also cover a small number of family guests.
Details of how jubilarians can book their places at the annual Southwark Marriage Mass are publicised by parishes throughout the diocese from late spring. Alternatively, you can contact your local MFL coordinators direct to register your interest. Make sure to include the name of your parish and your full name, home address and phone number.
Couples are also invited to sign up for an hour’s taster session of 'Building A Better Marriage' immediately prior to the Mass (1.30 pm -2.30 pm). Pre-booking is essential and all are welcome.