Welcome to the Archdiocese of Southwark Safeguarding Team's page. Our Parishes and communities must be places of welcome, where each person is respected and loved and where we support and protect each other. We must take care of the most vulnerable because of age, illness or disability or who may be vulnerable because of current or past life experiences. Everyone in the Catholic Church has a responsibility to safeguard and promote the wellbeing of those that worship in our Church or who join us for an activity facilitated by Church members. When Church activities are organised well, with regards for the safety and well-being of all, we reduce the risk of avoidable harm to all participants and create spaces of true welcome in which relationships can develop which are respectful and enriching. It is the Policy of The Catholic Church of England & Wales to safeguard the welfare of all children, young people and Adults at Risk by protecting them from neglect and from physical, sexual, emotional and psychological harm. Within these Safeguarding pages you will find information related to the Archdiocese of Southwark’s commitment to promoting a culture of safeguarding, creating safe environments, safer recruitment and supporting those that have been harmed by abuse. There will also be a link to resources, Safeguarding news and updates and details of the Safeguarding Sub-committee. Importantly there is information regarding how to report a concern about a child or Adult at Risk to the Safeguarding team. We hope that you will find this area useful and informative. Please contact myself or members of my team if you wish to report a concern, have a query or wish to speak to a member of the safeguarding team. Mary-Jane Crowley Head of Safeguarding

If you have a concern of a safeguarding nature where a child or adult is in immediate danger or requires immediate medical attention please call the emergency services on 999.

If you wish to report any safeguarding concerns, past or present, please click on safeguardingoffice@rcaos.org.uk. We will ensure that any concerns are dealt with in a timely and compassionate manner, alternatively you can ring the team on 0207 261 1606 (Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm.)

In line with The Catholic Church of England and Wales, the Archdiocese of Southwark is committed to safeguarding as an integral part of the life and ministry of the Church. We recognise that the welfare of children, young people and Adults at Risk is paramount and that all children, young people and Adults at Risk, have the right to equal protection from all types of harm or abuse. Our safeguarding policy is subject to the laws and guidance of England and Wales, in-line with the Local Safeguarding Partnerships in England and at the very core of the Church’s ministry

The safeguarding pages are designed to assist Clergy, Religious communities, volunteers, staff, Parishes, and other Catholic groups, to understand their responsibilities towards safeguarding the welfare of any person who worships or is involved in activities organised in the name of the Catholic Church. The Archdiocese is committed to ensuring all our Ministry, activities and engagement within the wider community is held to the highest standards of safeguarding practice, is compliant with current legislation and fully accountable to the national procedures and the Charity Commission. These standards are in-line with policies and procedures outlined within CSSA National guidance, to ensure everyone has a clear understanding about their safeguarding responsibility.

Establishing and strengthening a culture of compassion, honesty and openness helps us to recognise issues that impact on people or that an individual may consider likely to impact on them or their safety.  This is particularly important when working with diverse communities or those who have disabilities and/or complex needs, to ensure that the Archdiocese is committed to continually learning and embedding good practice.

The Archdiocese safeguarding policy underpins every aspect of the Mission of the Catholic Church that the Archdiocese delivers. The Archdiocese acknowledges its responsibility to safeguard and promote the welfare of all children, young people and adults, who serve, worship, attend, contribute or work within the Archdiocese. Government legislation supports this policy and all these documents are underpinned by Human Rights Act 1998 and UN Convention on the rights of the child, 1992. For the Archdiocese of Southwark Safeguarding Policy click here. 

The Archdiocese understands that safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility and must remain a priority across our communities. For the roles and responsibilities for safeguarding within the Archdiocese of Southwark see the appendices of the safeguarding police (Click here).

The safeguarding policy has been developed by the Archdiocese Safeguarding Sub-committee and the Safeguarding Team and was agreed by the Diocesan Board of Trustee at their meeting on 6th October 2021. It will be reviewed and updated at least annually.

Catholic schools, colleges and Academies in the Archdiocese are not covered by the Archdiocese of Safeguarding policy, as schools have their own separate policies and arrangements, based on similar principles.

If any adult is unable to understand and/or uphold the safeguarding policy, Pastoral Standards and Safe Practices in the Conduct of Ministry or is unable to safeguard children, young people or Adults at Risk, then they cannot be considered for any volunteer or paid roles involving activities involving these groups.


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