Catholic Social Teaching (CST) is the great wealth of Church teaching on how to live out our faith in the world. Rooted in the Gospel it is formed by the wisdom of Church leaders and shaped by the daily experience of Catholics everywhere, it gives us a moral compass to find our way. At Caritas Southwark our mission is based on 6 key principles of social teaching which help us to contribute to the 'Common Good'

  •  Human Dignity-Dignity is the foundational principal of CST. Every person is made in the image of God. This means that people are more important than things.
  • The Preferential Option for the Poor-The preferential Option for the Poor reflects our Christian mandate to meet God in those people who are poor and marginalized. To amplify their voice and advocate for systemic change to provide a fairer and more just society for all people.
  • The Care of Creation- The requirement to  care for  and nurture our environment and all creatures and resources which share our common home.
  • Community and Participation-We are called to get involved in our communities for the common good, to live out our faith in active ways. Everybody can play a part to ensure no one is left behind.
  • The Dignity of Workers-Human work and creativity provide the means by which men and women enhance their human dignity. The dignity of Workers reflects their contribution to the common good and the building of fair and just society.
  • Solidarity and Peace- Violence and conflict between  communities is destructive and evil. As Christians we are called to affirm the dignity of our fellow human beings and seek just and sustainable peace between nations and peoples.