Catholic Medical Ethics Online Lecture Series
Catholic Medical Ethics is an exciting group for current university students of the healthcare professions interested in learning about the Catholic Church’s response to difficult ethical questions.

This semester, Dr Mehmet Çiftçi of the Anscombe Bioethics Centre, Oxford, alongside other guest academics and professionals, will lead a seven-week virtual Bioethics lecture series for the group. The lectures will take place on Mondays between 7 pm and 8 pm on Microsoft Teams with the first titled “An Introduction to Catholic Moral Thinking & Catholic Anthropology” scheduled for Monday 5th February 2024. The final opportunity to join the group for this series will be on 12th February 2024.
To sign up for the group, or for more information, please email Laurence Jasper, Catholic Chaplain of King's College London: Guy’s campus ( by 12th February, using your university email account. All healthcare students are welcome.